Happy New Heliocentric Orbit!

  Yes, it’s that time of year again when we make and break resolutions to ourselves. Like most of you, I usually think about what resolutions I want to achieve for the upcoming year on New Year’s Eve. I come up with some vague criteria for whatever I think of doing. Sometimes, I write them down. Most times I don’t. And before January ends, I’ve either forgotten about them or broken the few I made.

  This year, I decided to do it differently. This year, I’m putting my goals/resolutions here for the world to see, hoping that the fear of public shame might drive me to keep and achieve a few of my goals this go around the sun. Below are “general” resolutions I have decided to attempt this year. I have a list on my computer in greater detail of what defines achieving these goals. The idea is to provide updates throughout the year on my progress, struggles, successes, and stumbles. 

  Make note that I did NOT mention failure. It’s not that I’m so confident in my ability to achieve my resolutions that I’m arrogantly not saying it. On the contrary, I know failure is always an option. However, I’ve decided to change the mindset behind my resolutions and how I approach working on them. So here’s the deal . . .

I will only fail if I quit!”

  That is the mindset I am going into the year ahead with. I will only fail if I quit. It’s that simple. I may not reach my goal for my resolutions, but any positive progress toward them is a success. And nothing says these resolutions will not carry into the years ahead beyond 2024. Honestly, most are life changes that I’m looking to make and maintain for the rest of my life. 

  So here’s the list, and here’s to 2024 and making positive changes in my life for the better, not just for me but for my family and friends.


    • Read the Bible
    • Read one book each month
    • Journaling
    • Lose weight
      • Improve diet
      • Exercise
    • Save more
    • Less DoorDash!
    • Improve Credit Score
    • Consistency
    • Quality
    • Value Add